A little about My Heart

Welcome to My Heart! I am an aspiring writer although honestly I am not sure what you would call my style of writing. Probably most of the time something along the lines of freestyle poetry. You might see that the grammar isn't always correct but I always write from my heart (I am looking at taking some classes on creative writing to advance my skills even further). Here you will find the writings are a reflection of my heart hence why I have called my blog My Heart. You will also find my writing to dwell strongly in faith. My love of reading has now become a love for writing. I hope you enjoy your time reading what I have written.

signed ~ Country Girl - A young christian woman

Friday, November 19, 2010

"Is this what you want!" she screams at Him. "For me to loose all control with you!" comes from between clinched teeth, her fists beating a tattoo into His broad chest. "Fight me!" "Why won't you fight me and curse me!" she yells while seemingly He stands defenseless against her onslaught.

"I hate that you don't stop me from doing these things I hate so much! I hate how I can't seem to ever seem to feel You near me when I need you the most! Where were You when I was falling! What happened to Your promise of never leaving me! I prayed for You to save me but You never did! I tried to be happy at church and act like nothing happened but I knew I wasn't apart of them, I wasn't one of them"

She looks up to see silent tears streaming down His face. His arms come up around her trembling figure as she collapses weeping into His embrace.

"Yes my daughter this IS what I want! I won't fight you because I love you and how could I curse you? You have the power to stop these things if only you would give them to Me. I am always near you and by you but you close your ears to my words and harden your heart against my warnings.

I never left you even in your darkest hour I was by your side catching every tear that fell from your face. You tried to pretend to be something you are not this is why you feel apart from them. You are fallen and you will sin so why try to hide behind this facade of being perfect? Those who are in church are not better or worse than you and yet they are of My flock."

He lifts her face to look into His "I have given forgiveness to you but will you won't give it yourself? You hold so tightly to the past and to all these wrong doings you have committed. They are meager and poor in companionship so why do you keep them so close? I have already wiped your slate clean yet you keep them between us like a shield or armor. Let them go, give Me reign in your heart and your life."

Saturday, November 6, 2010

So many things flying through my heads, countless thoughts and long lists of things left undone or yet to be started. My fears out way my faith and the harder I try to control the more I control I loose. I find myself asking "God, where are you? You said for me to have faith in You and trust You and I would be taken care of. If this is so then why do I feel more alone than ever?". I find I am caught in a whirlwind with no way to slow down.


You have given but pieces of yourself to me. Your fear hinders your faith in Me. There are still places in your heart you have barred me from entering. I won't push past these boundaries you have placed, but oh how I wish was given the chance to show you your faith in Me is not placed blindly.

Isaiah 41:13 (New King James Version)
13 For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand,
Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.

You somehow seem to think these things are to big for Me to handle or that they are too dark for me to see.

Jeremiah 32:27 "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"

Have you forgotten so soon that I know every deep dark desire in your heart? I know every trial and tribulation you shall be put to the test against.

1 John 3:20 (New King James Version)
"For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things."

Don't you see I don't want just parts of you, I want all of you. I want the secret dark areas that never see the light of day. Give me your biggest problems for I have the strength to carry them.

“Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…” – Isaiah 43:1-3

So this I say unto you “Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I can feel the winter chill nipping at my rosy cheeks as I amble down the drive. Sentinels wearing their leaves in crimson reds, dashing golds, and warm oranges provide a leafy canopy while a playful breeze scatters fallen leaves sending them swirling around my feet. I am joined by another, He is bundled against the cold though I have a feeling He wouldn't be bothered either way, a rather average looking fellow. As I glance at Him something leads me to believe He is about as far from average as you can get.

As we trudge along side by side our breath puffing out in small white clouds I glance sideways to get a closer look at Him. He is slightly taller than me with broad shoulders and regal bearing. His hands belong those that know of hard work and do not fear it though they bear unusual scars almost as if something at one point pierced right through them. He is young, barely reaching his mid-thirties and yet He seems to also be ageless. His eyes, those are what draw you in and pierce your very soul. He looks not through your or at you but into you, the very heart of you. Such sorrow is contained in their depths as if He alone carries the weight of all our burdens and pains.

Tears come unbidden to my eyes as I realize just who this man I walk beside is. This is the man who knows what it is like to be truly hated and scorned. Ridiculed by those whom He thought to be friends and peers and even betrayed by His own brethren. This is a man who has been beaten for what He believes in and yet He held true to His faith. He carried the very cross His hands and feet where nailed to. Put amongst thieves and bandits with a crown of thorns to grace His bloody brow.

This is the man who died so I might be able to walk beside Him and enjoy this beautiful day in His presence. Thank you Jesus for all you have sacrificed and done so I might live and walk by Your side admiring what the Father has created.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


She paces wishing she knew what was to come next. This uncertainty brings back all her old doubts and fears. They slither into the dark parts of her soul and seep into her thoughts "Am I strong enough this time" flits through her mind. "What if this isn't God's will" is at the foremost in her jumbled thoughts.

My child,

I ask that you have faith in Me, to put all your fears and doubts in My hands. But how can you let go when you hold them close to your body your knuckles white from the strength of which you cling to them. I will not pry them from you for they must be given up of your own free will. Do you not think Me capable of handling them? Have you such little faith in Me? They weigh you down and shackle you to the past.

warm hands enclose hers

Let go of this burden you keep so tightly clutched. Trust in Me for I will not fail you. I never have failed you even on the darkest of nights when the winds where wicked and cruel, where the cold seeped to your very bones I was there and I kept you sheltered and held you close.

slowly she relinquishes to Him

Thank you Father, though I can not see the end to this journey I know you alone have the power to be my fortress and my salvation. My mind can be at peace and my soul at rest knowing I can rest safely with you.

Psalm 62

"My soul finds rest in God alone, My salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

She stands in a room full of illusions and mirrors, every step leads her down the wrong path.

Father I am scared, scared of failing. You said you would always be there but where are You now? I can't see Your nor can I feel You.

My Child,

I am all around you. I am in the river you sit by, whispering "Be at peace for I am here". I am in the warm hug of a friend, giving you strength. You can hear Me in a kind word. You will find Me in My book, my words you can read. I have never left your side; don't you see those I have placed in your life to carry My good deeds and words?

Do you not feel me even now? I am there if you would just listen. I can't promise this will be easy nor can I promise a life without pain. What I can promise is there will come a day when you will feel these arms holding you close and you will see My face with your own eyes. There will be no pain or suffering. But until then when you light goes out Mine will shine, when you are in pain I will comfort you, when you strength runs out draw on Me for mine is endless. Look for Me and Me you shall find. Silence your mind, still your restless heart, quiet your soul and open your ears to what I have to say today. I am always whispering in your ear but will you hear Me today?

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Cruel and harsh words spew from my mouth, I change who I am at every corner or so it seems. The things I have done are things I can’t ask forgiveness from or have redemption given. I am a child of God they say but how could God want a child like me? I have cursed His name and cursed Him for my lot in life. I look for love from men and never find it; instead all I find are sharp edges and bitter words. What tastes sweeter than honey soon turns bitter as wormwood in my mouth; such is what my choices in life have been.

Some look down and pity me whilst others call me a sinner and wish to cast me out. Whore I am called, something diseased and trashed. Unclean they say I am, unwanted to those around me.

John 8:3-11
“ 3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

1 John 1:9
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 51:1-17
1 Have mercy upon me, O God,
According to Your lovingkindness;
According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
Blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
And cleanse me from my sin.

3 For I acknowledge my transgressions,
And my sin is always before me.
4 Against You, You only, have I sinned,
And done this evil in Your sight—
That You may be found just when You speak,[a]
And blameless when You judge.

5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
And in sin my mother conceived me.
6 Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts,
And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.

7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
8 Make me hear joy and gladness,
That the bones You have broken may rejoice.
9 Hide Your face from my sins,
And blot out all my iniquities.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
13 Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners shall be converted to You.

14 Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God,
The God of my salvation,
And my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness.
15 O Lord, open my lips,
And my mouth shall show forth Your praise.
16 For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it;
You do not delight in burnt offering.
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise.

Father I read these and I see I was wrong, I am wanted by You. Through You and only You will I be made new, my transgressions shall be forgiven and I will be clean again.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Glancing at Him you see a poor man. He is not dressed in fine linens but rough cloth that has seen better days. His face has been weathered by the sun and harsh conditions while His hands are calloused from years of hard work. Look again and see the kindness that shines in His face, how strong and capable His hands are.

No you deem Him the lowest of low seeing as He is a simple shepherd. You miss how lovingly He tends to His flock. He keeps a sharp lookout for anything sure bring them harm. He skillfully binds their wounds and treats any illness so they might heal well. Everyday He leads them to fresh flowing water and takes care to see that they have good food. He stands guard by night, a fearsome foe should anything want to bring harm. His staff he uses to protect as well as guide.

When one of His flock goes astray He diligently searches until He finds and brings them Home. Across His broad shoulders He carries one of His injured, He won't leave her to die so He carries her to safety.

He is very wise and knows everything about what he so lovingly protects and guides. He might not dine with the Kings or have expensive objects. He is the King of Kings and He needs no such objects as we have on earth.

While He may be only a simple shepherd to you if you look again you see He is the Son of the most Holy. I am proud to be one of His flock, He shed His own blood so we might live with Him and learn from Him. The next time you look with your eyes remember look with your heart and listen to what speaks to your soul. You might be surprised at what you find. The shepherd you might deem worthless is the reason you stand before Him today, that by His life He gave to save you. His name is Jesus and He is my King, my Savior.

Written by Justine N.

Prince Charming

Stories are told of Him, little girls grow up with dreams of meeting Him one day. He was born among us as royalty, a King of Kings born to lead His people but they believed Him not. His noble steed you see is not a great white stallion as those in picture books portray but rather a small grey donkey. He stands before you clothed not in shining armor rather simple garments woven of wool. His stance is tall and strong but yet you sense that He is gentle and humble. His heart is that of a warrior though He has the soul of a lover.

Broad shoulders speak of strength, rough hands tell tales about years of hard work. Eyes silently convey love and compassion beyond what you have ever known. His smile puts the sun to shame while His very voice evokes peace as the quiet timbre soothes seemingly your very soul.

He will treat your heart as the most precious possession He has ever been given. He will travel to the end of time itself to protect you and never will He forsake you. He fought the greatest battle of all and won, death He has defeated so forever He might spend with you.

His name you might ask? Jesus the son of God and our Savior. He truly is our Prince Charming and He wants us so what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

As I lay with my face against the ground. Tears making tiny rivers in the mud. My body aches as the sobs wrench out of me. The cold seeps to the very core of me. Doubt and frustration rule my thoughts. Questions plague me. "What did I do wrong?" "Am I not enough?". I feel naked and exposed. All my wrong doings and mistakes are my only company in this vast wasteland.

I never saw Him. How could I have? I was blinded by my pride and my fear. He stood tall and strong. Ageless He was as if time itself dare not touch Him. A fierce leader but a gentle healer. His hands have bandaged many wounds. He can come no closer though. The pain in His eyes are so raw you look away. His voice is so deep and rich, so full of love. But I can not hear it nor can I see Him. You see He will not force me to choose Him. I have to ask for Him to come to me.

Written by Justine N.
You know her. That girl who always has a smile and her laughter fills the air. She looks so happy and like nothing could bring her down. But do you see the tears? What she hides behind the smiles and the laughter? He does. He see's how it is eating at her.

She can hide from you and me but not Him. You don't see the silent struggle for her very soul. For her very life.

She stands defeated and alone. She asks herself "How can I go on?" "What have I to live for?". She doesn't see Him standing in the doorway. Tears make their journey down His face. His arms are open wide and he sees how broken she is. How he longs to run to her and shelter her. To break those chains that hold her to the ground. Clothe her in clean garments and call her His own.

But He can't step over the thresh hold of her heart. She must invite Him in. A leap of faith she must take. He cries to her but she doesn't listen.

Written by Justine N.

This too isn't finished...I am not sure how I want to finish it but when you read it keep in mind that it isn't finished quite yet.
Do you see? Can you hear it?
My light dims and silence grows near. How much more can I withstand. See...how they crowd close waiting for me to fall. Hands waiting to pull me under. Their foul words fill the air as I stumble.

"You can't win" they say "Why try" echoes in my ears. Emptiness is all I feel. My bones are frail and weak. Slowly I ask "How can I go on?" "I am so tired and weary". My eyes are filled with bitter tears and my body grows cold.

Where is my Savior? The One who said He would never leave. I am dying alone and He is no where to be seen. Do my cries fall on deaf ears? Has His Heart turned to stone towards me? Does he turn His face from my pain? Why does the enemy prevail. What did I do? "Father!" I cry "Save me! Your child needs You!"

Written by Justine N.

Now on this one I want to go back and maybe finish it or end it a little different but this is how it is for now.
As I stand there looking at Him I wonder if He knows it is because of me He is there. Even if I close my eyes it would not shut out the sounds of the mob around me. I can almost feel the rough wood in my two hands as I swing down the hammer to drive the nails even deeper into His hands. Does He know? That it might as well be me taking the spear in my hands laughing as I thrust it into the flesh of His side.
-Date Unkoown-

No I may not be that person doing it but I might as well have placed His thorny crown on His head. He doesn't look evil. I imagine that His eyes shine with uncontained joy. He would stand tall yet be humble. He would care not for who you might seem like other people might.

In His presence you would find healing and you would learn much from Him. What a great teacher He must be. Although now you could not see it. No now His body is beaten and broken. Salty tears mix with blood to make watery red streaks down His face and His back is torn from the whips and beatings He received. Yet He does not even curse those who afflict Him but instead He calls out to the one He calls His Father to forgive them for they know not what they have done.

Jesus Christ is His name and I among with many other put Him on that cross where He now draws His last and final breath.

Written by Justine N.
She is the unsung hero. Always there to guide us, with arms open wide ready to comfort us. In her God placed something precious, a mothers love. Her love is fierce and strong, shining like a bright candle during a dark night. Her love is gentle and healing, warm hugs and unwavering faith nurture us.

We see in her all her glory and strength but we forget she too is human. A quick word in anger, using things against us, this is human. Her love is overshadowed by weariness, grief, anger, or pain.

We think she is untouchable but yet she has heartaches. God doesn't forget for it is He who created her and He who knows all of her. He sees the fractures we do not or sometime forget to notice. We quickly forget as we grow how she cared for us and loved us. Instead we say how unfair she is and that she just doesn't understand. Her wise words have become lame, we have outgrown her affections.

What we also forget is that she has been in our shoes and walked the road before us. Her wisdom was born out of great heartaches and pains. She loves us enough to tell us about the pot holes up ahead and gives us a map so we might avoid the dead ends she already traveled to.

How quickly we too forget that God does the same thing for us. His own Son has already journeyed down this path. God has given us many road maps and signs so we might stay true to Him. Like our mothers He loves us and like with our mothers we think we out grow Him, that we are more wise than He.

And like with our mothers we as we grow we learn again to appreciate her wisdom and love for us, as we should with God also. All we need do is ask and He shall teach us. For such a simple thing it is the hardest to do, our pride blinds us.

Written by Justine N.

I lay at His feet just listening to His voice. The lazy summer sun is casting it's last rays throwing everything into shades of bold reds, dashing golds, and brilliant oranges. Crickets make themselves known in the tall grass. Glancing around I see the many others that have gathered to listen to Him speak. Even the smallest child has come, silent with eyes open wide simply listening to Him tell his tale. He is sitting on a low stone, His deep voice carries in cooling air while His eyes sparkle with mirth.

He tells us a tale about His disciples, of His time spent with them and the many people He met on his travels. We always gather here at this time, so we might learn what He has to teach. How fortunate we are to have the chance at spending such precious time with Him. Jesus has many great stories to tell and lessons to teach. Will you listen? Will you learn?

written by Justine N.

Her friends tell her she is beautiful, her family says nothing. She gets hugs everyday from those she knows but she has to ask for one from her family.

She wants to be wanted, needs to be needed, longs to know she is beautiful to those she holds most dear. Oh how she longs to have someone love those little quirks about her. She aches down to her very core to be held and feel precious.

Everyday she worries she isn't good enough, beautiful enough, lovable enough. "Maybe if I was thinner" she thinks "Or maybe if I was prettier" she says to herself. "Maybe then I could be a better daughter, sister, friend, mother" she finds herself wondering. She questions everything she does to make sure she doesn't fail. "Was I good enough today?" She says, "Did I please you?" she asks.

She is turning in circles trying to please those on earth so much that she hears not the voice of One who finds her enchanting being who He made her to be and who's love knows no limits. He asks that she trust in Him. He longs to open her eyes and show her the beauty He sees. He delights in every little quirk for He fashioned them with His own hands. He placed great passions and dreams in her heart, how He longs for her to embrace them, to trade in fear and doubt for faith and love in Him.

He says "Ask and you shall receive, but ask you must". He whispers to her soul "Easy it shall not be but trust and have faith My child for I shall guide every footstep and catch you when you fall." God wants you. God needs you. He finds you to be the most beautiful just being who He designed you to be. He is near even when you can't feel Him, when you are fragile and battered He holds you safe in His secure embrace, putting you back together again.

Raising her head, drying her tears she gets down on to her knees, coming before her Father to ask that He open her eyes and give her the endurance to face another day. Somehow she knows she can make it by His grace alone. It will not be easy but God never said it would be.

Written by Justine N.
"Father!" I cry out. "I can't do this anymore!" explodes from my lips. "You said you would be there! But were where You when my heart was crumbling and my soul growing dark? You said you would treasure me above all else and You called me beautiful."

"What wrong doings have I done Father? Why do you turn from me? I feel plain and worthless, my heart is agonized and yet You still remain silent."

My child I have not turned a blind eye to your pain. When your heart was crumbling I was gently picking up the pieces. When your soul was growing dark I was standing guard to keep it safe while driving out the shadows.

I treasure you more than all the jewels in this world. I gave up my only Son so you might live with me again. Twice over you are mine. Once by creating you and twice through my Son's blood. I handcrafted every piece of your body. Picked the purest colors for your eyes and used the finest silks for you hair. You shine brighter than any star and I know every part of your heart for I was the one who placed it there.

When you where at your lowest it is I who held you close and caught every tear. When you felt like your faith was gone it is I who whispered to your soul, giving you strength and courage. You are never alone for I am always by you side and in your heart though you won't always see or hear Me.

My daughter all you need do is ask and I will be there. But ask you must, I will never give you up and My love will never fade. Remember these words when you feel like life has beaten and broken you, when you don't feel loved, when you feel alone and unwanted.

I won't let life take you away, My love for you transcends time itself, I will NEVER leave you and shall ALWAYS want you.

Your Father,

Written by Justine N.

My feet are stuck to the ground. My arms feel weak and strength has fled my body. Why can't I go to Him? He is so close, I can see the tears in His eyes. I know He has not forsaken me so why can't I move towards Him?

I have not the strength in my body though my very soul aches to be with Him. He almost appears to be waiting, but for what? I have not yet had the strength to go to him.

"Father" I whisper "I need you, I see you but cannot run to you. I can't do this on my own, my will alone is not strong enough to fight what has taken hold of me." A smile breaks across His face like the sun breaking through the clouds. In a few short strides He enfolds me in His embrace.

"My child" He say's "Why did you not come to me sooner? I have always been standing there just waiting for you to see Me and ask."

Written by Justine N.

Standing arms stretched with her fingers still reaching for what she couldn't have. People always told her to reach for the stars shining so bright, but what they forgot to mention is they also burn.

She thought for sure he was the one this time. Now she see's the lies for what they really are. This great prince has turned into a slithering snake fit only to eat the dirt which he crawls on.

Broken and worthless she now feels. What was once a bright burning flame is now a tired ember. Alone now in the silence she hears His voice. She opens her eyes to see Him standing before her arms open wide beckoning to her.

"I have been standing here all this time waiting for you to finally see Me" He say's.

When finally His warmth surrounds her, she feels safe. She knows she is wanted, cherished and above all else loved. Pressing her ear to His chest she hears His heart beating strong and clear while feel the rise and fall of His chest. Solid and warm, so real He is. The tattered pieces of her torn heart slowly mend together, sheltered in His embrace she finds healing and peace.

"Though you won't always feel these arms carrying you, in My embrace you remain. You can't always see me but by your side I stay. When you feel doubt and fear come over you listen to my Voice for I will be speaking your heart though you might not always hear me.

Let me be your man, it is what I desire most. To show you the beauty I see in you. You are most precious to me. My love won't fade over time and I will not grow weary of you" He say's. This is His promise.

Written by Justine N.

The color of the sea on a calm day this is the color of her eyes. The sun shining strong on a summer day this is the warmth of her smile. You see what is on the surface but not what lies beneath. Look again at her eyes for you shall see that which has tormented her. Look again at her smile and you will see the pain she hides behind it.

Inside her wages a battle unknown too most. She battles fiercely against her foe in a desperate attempt to gain ground. Her enemy may not tire but she does. Her muscles tremble with the strain and her heart grows heavy with each blow. The enemy appears unchanged and unharmed while she carries many scars and open wounds from his weapons.

Dirt and grim cover her face will sweat makes watermarks down her face. Her eyes now reflect the sea during a storm and her mouth is drawn tight. She battles for her very soul. Her enemy throws insults at her and tries to break her. But he won’t win this time for she no longer fights alone. In His hands there is a mighty blade which is wielded with deadly precision. Blocking a crippling blow He steps to the front, to now being locked in a fatal dance with the Devil himself. But He won’t back down nor shall He fail. Now when her muscles tremble with fatigue His strength floods through her. When her heart grows heavy she remembers His promise and the debts He has already paid in her stead. You can see He carries His own scars but they show victory for it is He who won that battle long ago.

Now her open wounds shall be bound by His own two hands, and soon her enemy shall be cast forth from her forever more and she will be able to fully rest in His embrace. Until that day He will fight for her and by her side to catch her when she miss steps and give her faith when hers has all but fled.

Remember He is always with us even when we fight the fiercest battles He is by our side our great Warrior and fearless Leader. He won’t ever fail us or leave us to be struck down by our enemies even when it feels like they grow near. Put your faith in Him and believe in Him. He has already made His promise to you, now will you make your promise to Him?

Written by: Justine N.
March 21st 2010

As you feel your body make contact with the cold unforgiving ground, when all has been stripped away. People have left you bruised and battered and alone is all you feel. In this place where your world has crumbled to the ground and you see vast emptiness. This place is where you will find healing. In this still silence His voice will whisper to your soul. The only touch you feel is those warm gentle hands wiping tears from your face. His presence will bring peace to the turmoil that invades your heart and mind.

He will pick you up and with His own hands wipe off the blood and bind your wounds that life has left. He will pick up those broken shattered pieces of your heart and gently put them together again. In clean garments He will cloth you. Around your waist He shall buckle the Belt of Truth. The Breastplate of Righteousness He places on your chest. Your feet shall be armed with readiness, which comes with the Gospel of Peace. In your right hand He places the Shield of Faith and your left the Sword of the Spirit. Your head He places the Helmet of Salvation.

“Eph 6:10-17 (NIV) ...Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled round your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

When you walk the Path that He has chosen for you by your side He remains. He will never you leave. Never forsake you. Never let go of you.

“Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

When you fall, fall back on Him. When your are wounded and weak let Him bind the cuts and give you strength. When you are afraid let His glory and light SHINE in you. When you tire draw strength in Him and His Word. Let Him guide your footsteps and guard your tongue. All you need do is ask and He shall gladly give. You are NEVER alone and He will NEVER forsake you.

“Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

His name is God, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. You are alone no more. Where there was pain all you feel is love. Where there was emptiness you are filled with His Spirit. Healing you have found.

Written by : Justine N.
Quotes from the Bible :)

Weary and weak this body may be but I come to Him and He restores my soul. Rest I might within the comfort and safety of His embrace. Here my guard is coming down. I have no reason to stand at the ready to defend because for now my Champion is keeping watch and nothing may pass by. No harm or pain shall wound me for now. Safe I finally am even for those few hours. Hold me close God. Let me close my weary eyes and relax my tired body knowing I am safe.

Written by Justine N.

She comes home to an empty house. More like a museum of all those happy times and full of memories long gone. Slowly she makes her way to the kitchen to sit in a chair well used over the years. Sinking into it the tears start falling as that soon becoming familiar pain takes hold. How is she even able to stand I wonder. I imagine if I was to look in her eyes I would see abandonment, weariness, and timeless pain looking back out of deep brown eyes. Probably hopelessness could be found in those depths too.

An anchor, something to hold onto and keep her tried down before the waves pull her under. Dark deep waters and the darkness will give way to a new day. But until then she is safe in His arms, His voice the shining beacon and His arms/embrace her buoy in the fierce storm keeping her afloat. Waters splash against the buoy as she desperately clings to it. The one beacon of light in the vast expanse of darkness. It might be a listening ear or someone willing to just share the grief in silence. In time the waves will calm, the violent winds will grow still

Written by : Justine N.

As I lay there my eyes closed I can feel with warmth of the midday sun kissing my skin. Soft blades of grass tickle my ears as the sound of a babbling creek lulls me to a sense of peace. I imagine there is a giant weeping willow above me keeping watch as I lay in the dappled sunlight. I can hear the wind rustle on its way through the leaves and whisper through the blades of grass. I bet there are flowers also. Fragrant beautiful flowers, maybe honeysuckle and hyacinths.

I am not alone here in this sanctuary. I am not afraid of this person. I can picture them resting against the rough tree bark. They have their eyes closed also and they are humming. Such a soothing sound and so beautiful, it is a melody unknown to me. I can tell He must have a beautiful voice, strong and kind. How safe and content I feel. No busy rushing world, no hectic crazy job. It as if time is standing still just for Him, all this is for Him and He is doing it for me.

Written by: Justine N.

How does one describe the pain? The sound of a woman screaming No! When she learns her only daughter is dead. When she keeps saying she just wants he daughter back. That it should have been her? Someone else keeps saying, “I wanted to be wrong” “Please someone tell me I was wrong”. It is a pain that rends your very soul in two.

Their cry and their sobs are like that of a wounded animal. Almost not human and you wonder how they can withstand such grief. How does it not break them in two or bring them to their knees.

There are different kinds of tears.
Those of joy, those of sorrow, those of anger, those of pain, and those of defeat.

There are also different cries.
You have your cry of surprise, your cry of remorse, your cry of anguish, your cry of victory, your cry of hopelessness.

They all sound so different and can convey such emotion.

Have you ever felt those gut wrenching sobs? They seem to rend your body in to pieces? They are not loud but they are filled with such pain you wonder how that person is still alive. It seems that such immense pain should crush them. But what your eyes fail to see is the One holding her up. Standing over her keeping it from consuming her. You do not hear the whispers to her soul. You also don’t see the tears or hear the silent pain of the One holding her close, keeping her in His tight embrace riding through the storm with her. He weeps with her though you see it not. He is carrying her though she may not feel it. He never forsakes us. In our greatest time of need He is there. Mighty is He.

Written by : Justine N.

I am standing, my heart rendered in two. My arms fall to my side as great heaving sobs wrack my broken body. I close my eyes and pray this pain ceases. As I stand seemingly alone. I feel this presence. I dare not open my eyes fearing it is all in my mind. Arms pull me in holding and gathering me close. A strong warm body cradles me and keeps me near. The smell of wool and something else I can’t put my finger on surrounds me filling me with peace.

I feel so safe my heart is mending together. Strong calloused hands gently wipe tears from my face. Never have I felt such a sense of ease. My whole body relaxes in His embrace. I feel those same hands brushing through my hair. Safe… this feeling is safe. Oh how I have longed for this. I am able to pour my grief and bitterness out and instead feel safe and comforted. Slowly I feel myself drift towards sleep. The sound of a strong heartbeat as my lullaby knowing finally I am home and nothing can touch me again.

Written by: Justine N.

His eyes radiate love. His arms are always welcoming. He never grows weary or tired. They say eyes are the windows to your soul. His are endless. They say the best feeling is having a pair or strong arms hold you. His are the best pair of arms you will meet, in His embrace your fears and worries will fade, strength and His ever present love is all you shall feel.

His eyes…. they are like nothing you have seen before. They are such a deep brown and seem to twinkle with hidden mirth. He longs to take away your pain and hold you when the tears seem as if they will not cease. You may not always see Him but by your side He always remains. A greater Love you cannot find than His. A greater understanding you find only in him. You love someone with a great laugh? His laughter is one of the most beautiful things you might have the pleasure of hearing.

His hands have great practice at gently wiping tears away. His voice is like the soothing balm on the tender torn pieces of your soul. He knows everything about us and still longs to be the Man to hold the treasure we call our heart. He will never break it and will treat it with the utmost care.

Never will He leave you; never shall He forsake you as long as you are true to Him and His word.

When you are weak call on Him.
When you are weary He shall carry you.
When you rejoice he dances right along side you.
When you cry He holds you close and wipes away every tear.
When you hurt He does tenfold.
When you rebel He lovingly disciplines you.
When you get lost He shall guide you.
When you are afraid He banishes all fear.
When you feel blind He lights the way if only you ask.
When you are happy He is ecstatic.
When you need a savior He has already given His own life to save yours.

Nothing on this earth can separate you from His love. Nothing.

His name is Jesus Son of God.

Believe – In Him
Trust – In Him
Praise – In Him
Be Joyful – In Him

The Lord is my strength, He leadith (sp) me beside still waters and to green pasture. In Him I could not ask for more for through Him I have all I need.

His hands have calluses; they carry the scars as silent proof of what is cost Him for us. Though they may not be the most beautiful hands they carry much strength and create much beauty.

Gentle and loving He is. But let us not forget what a fierce warrior He to is. The battle He waged so we might live forever with Him in His kingdom was a fearsome one though we did not see it.

God’s Beauty:
We ask ourselves about this. Many of us picture of father figure but remember that He will also lead us into war. The last and greatest battle this Earth will ever see. I don’t think we can truly imagine His beauty or His face. But we can catch glimpses of His beauty in the world around us if we look, and we are created in His image so we might see glimpses or His face in people around us.

I don’t always hear His voice but when I open His word I see what He says to me. All he asks is we have faith in Him that we follow His word. How can we not want to when we see the price He paid for us not once but twice? Once because in His image we are made and it is He who created and sculpted us and twice because He bought us with His only Son’s life and covered us in the blood of the Lamb. His Son defeated Death so we might live forever with Him. How He must rejoice when we come back to His flock. He wants to care for us and longs for us to join Him. Can you imagine sitting and talking with God? We eat for enjoyment only because He fills us with everything we could ever need.

I imagine He is a great warrior. But how great His love for us is. Take the woman for example. She is gentle and kind, loving and nurturing, caring and giving. But do not underestimate her wrath or fury should someone harm her child. In her God placed the heart of a warrior so she might defend her family. If she was made in God’s image do you not suppose He would feel the same way about us His children?

And just as a mother might discipline her child so does He. Not out of anger or hate but out of love so we might learn and turn from those evil things or wrong doings. Does this mean he does not get angry with us? No I don’t believe so. Through out the Bible He does smite people. So yes He does grow angry but it is a righteous anger. He is the final and ultimate Judge.

The more I learn about Him the more I want to know. His is a perfect love. His isn’t tainted by sin.

Written by Justine N.

Now I want to say that this is some of my very first writing. I know it is rather disjointed. I wanted to post this now but I plan on going back and reviewing it and having it make more sense. I want people to get the raw writing from me. I sometimes feel the more you polish something the more you loose on it sometimes.