A little about My Heart

Welcome to My Heart! I am an aspiring writer although honestly I am not sure what you would call my style of writing. Probably most of the time something along the lines of freestyle poetry. You might see that the grammar isn't always correct but I always write from my heart (I am looking at taking some classes on creative writing to advance my skills even further). Here you will find the writings are a reflection of my heart hence why I have called my blog My Heart. You will also find my writing to dwell strongly in faith. My love of reading has now become a love for writing. I hope you enjoy your time reading what I have written.

signed ~ Country Girl - A young christian woman

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


His eyes radiate love. His arms are always welcoming. He never grows weary or tired. They say eyes are the windows to your soul. His are endless. They say the best feeling is having a pair or strong arms hold you. His are the best pair of arms you will meet, in His embrace your fears and worries will fade, strength and His ever present love is all you shall feel.

His eyes…. they are like nothing you have seen before. They are such a deep brown and seem to twinkle with hidden mirth. He longs to take away your pain and hold you when the tears seem as if they will not cease. You may not always see Him but by your side He always remains. A greater Love you cannot find than His. A greater understanding you find only in him. You love someone with a great laugh? His laughter is one of the most beautiful things you might have the pleasure of hearing.

His hands have great practice at gently wiping tears away. His voice is like the soothing balm on the tender torn pieces of your soul. He knows everything about us and still longs to be the Man to hold the treasure we call our heart. He will never break it and will treat it with the utmost care.

Never will He leave you; never shall He forsake you as long as you are true to Him and His word.

When you are weak call on Him.
When you are weary He shall carry you.
When you rejoice he dances right along side you.
When you cry He holds you close and wipes away every tear.
When you hurt He does tenfold.
When you rebel He lovingly disciplines you.
When you get lost He shall guide you.
When you are afraid He banishes all fear.
When you feel blind He lights the way if only you ask.
When you are happy He is ecstatic.
When you need a savior He has already given His own life to save yours.

Nothing on this earth can separate you from His love. Nothing.

His name is Jesus Son of God.

Believe – In Him
Trust – In Him
Praise – In Him
Be Joyful – In Him

The Lord is my strength, He leadith (sp) me beside still waters and to green pasture. In Him I could not ask for more for through Him I have all I need.

His hands have calluses; they carry the scars as silent proof of what is cost Him for us. Though they may not be the most beautiful hands they carry much strength and create much beauty.

Gentle and loving He is. But let us not forget what a fierce warrior He to is. The battle He waged so we might live forever with Him in His kingdom was a fearsome one though we did not see it.

God’s Beauty:
We ask ourselves about this. Many of us picture of father figure but remember that He will also lead us into war. The last and greatest battle this Earth will ever see. I don’t think we can truly imagine His beauty or His face. But we can catch glimpses of His beauty in the world around us if we look, and we are created in His image so we might see glimpses or His face in people around us.

I don’t always hear His voice but when I open His word I see what He says to me. All he asks is we have faith in Him that we follow His word. How can we not want to when we see the price He paid for us not once but twice? Once because in His image we are made and it is He who created and sculpted us and twice because He bought us with His only Son’s life and covered us in the blood of the Lamb. His Son defeated Death so we might live forever with Him. How He must rejoice when we come back to His flock. He wants to care for us and longs for us to join Him. Can you imagine sitting and talking with God? We eat for enjoyment only because He fills us with everything we could ever need.

I imagine He is a great warrior. But how great His love for us is. Take the woman for example. She is gentle and kind, loving and nurturing, caring and giving. But do not underestimate her wrath or fury should someone harm her child. In her God placed the heart of a warrior so she might defend her family. If she was made in God’s image do you not suppose He would feel the same way about us His children?

And just as a mother might discipline her child so does He. Not out of anger or hate but out of love so we might learn and turn from those evil things or wrong doings. Does this mean he does not get angry with us? No I don’t believe so. Through out the Bible He does smite people. So yes He does grow angry but it is a righteous anger. He is the final and ultimate Judge.

The more I learn about Him the more I want to know. His is a perfect love. His isn’t tainted by sin.

Written by Justine N.

Now I want to say that this is some of my very first writing. I know it is rather disjointed. I wanted to post this now but I plan on going back and reviewing it and having it make more sense. I want people to get the raw writing from me. I sometimes feel the more you polish something the more you loose on it sometimes.

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