A little about My Heart

Welcome to My Heart! I am an aspiring writer although honestly I am not sure what you would call my style of writing. Probably most of the time something along the lines of freestyle poetry. You might see that the grammar isn't always correct but I always write from my heart (I am looking at taking some classes on creative writing to advance my skills even further). Here you will find the writings are a reflection of my heart hence why I have called my blog My Heart. You will also find my writing to dwell strongly in faith. My love of reading has now become a love for writing. I hope you enjoy your time reading what I have written.

signed ~ Country Girl - A young christian woman

Monday, June 28, 2010


Glancing at Him you see a poor man. He is not dressed in fine linens but rough cloth that has seen better days. His face has been weathered by the sun and harsh conditions while His hands are calloused from years of hard work. Look again and see the kindness that shines in His face, how strong and capable His hands are.

No you deem Him the lowest of low seeing as He is a simple shepherd. You miss how lovingly He tends to His flock. He keeps a sharp lookout for anything sure bring them harm. He skillfully binds their wounds and treats any illness so they might heal well. Everyday He leads them to fresh flowing water and takes care to see that they have good food. He stands guard by night, a fearsome foe should anything want to bring harm. His staff he uses to protect as well as guide.

When one of His flock goes astray He diligently searches until He finds and brings them Home. Across His broad shoulders He carries one of His injured, He won't leave her to die so He carries her to safety.

He is very wise and knows everything about what he so lovingly protects and guides. He might not dine with the Kings or have expensive objects. He is the King of Kings and He needs no such objects as we have on earth.

While He may be only a simple shepherd to you if you look again you see He is the Son of the most Holy. I am proud to be one of His flock, He shed His own blood so we might live with Him and learn from Him. The next time you look with your eyes remember look with your heart and listen to what speaks to your soul. You might be surprised at what you find. The shepherd you might deem worthless is the reason you stand before Him today, that by His life He gave to save you. His name is Jesus and He is my King, my Savior.

Written by Justine N.

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