A little about My Heart

Welcome to My Heart! I am an aspiring writer although honestly I am not sure what you would call my style of writing. Probably most of the time something along the lines of freestyle poetry. You might see that the grammar isn't always correct but I always write from my heart (I am looking at taking some classes on creative writing to advance my skills even further). Here you will find the writings are a reflection of my heart hence why I have called my blog My Heart. You will also find my writing to dwell strongly in faith. My love of reading has now become a love for writing. I hope you enjoy your time reading what I have written.

signed ~ Country Girl - A young christian woman

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Tempest

An ocean is not to be trifled with. You can glide along on waters still as glass, the salty breeze filling your main sail. But when the winds rage strong and the waves come crashing around you haven't a prayer except not to capsize. Emotions are much the same, calm yet deceptive. There will be beautiful days where the water is smooth as a stone. But the storms will rage and you just pray not get swept off the deck into the swells.

But just like a tempest the winds and the waves will be gone soon enough and all that will be left are the pieces to be salvage. Some may retreat for a while whilst others still go on with a smile until they feel safe enough to break down. I am rather the one who will wait until I find a safe spot before I allow the winds to howl and the waves to beat upon me. But like all great storms it blows over and I pick up my scattered pieces to move on.

There is one Man though whom carries the power to tell the winds to still and the waves to once again become calm. He stays by my side and holds me during my tempest and keeps the pieces from scattering to the winds. When I can't hold on to control any longer I relinquish to Him and He sees me through. Storms will rage and emotions will overwhelm but while He stands near you can be safe in knowing He has control. No great harm shall befall you under His watchful eye and caring embrace.

Matthew 8:23-26
"Now when He got into a boat, His disciples followed Him. And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep. Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The sound of laughter drifts down the hall and old floor boards creak while the sound of little feet pattering around brings a smile to His face. A lazy summer sun slants through faded gingham curtains billowing gently in the breeze, bringing with it the smell of ripe wheat fields ready to harvest and sweet honeysuckles that are blooming in the backyard. Crickets are making themselves known as the sun dips down behind the barn, the day is coming to a close. We are all gathered in the dining room, children and adults all at one long table. Some faces you know and some are newcomers but all are welcome in His house at His table. Small chubby hands join with calloused rough hands and all heads bow to give thank to He who has provided for and loved us.

We are finally Home under one roof with our Father and that indeed is something to give thanks for.

I can only imagine what this day might be like when we finally go home with to be with Him. This is how I might imagine it, how do you imagine it?

Justine N.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The time for tears has passed, the salty streaks are all that marks their passage. Eyes void of emotion stare out, unseeing into a world full of unknowns. Sheer will is the only thing keeping trembling knees from collapsing from beneath her. Fear runs unconfined while doubts and despair takes an ever strengthening hold. Eyes flutter closed as shuddering breaths come from between white thinly drawn lips, composure is just an illusion. A gentle tremor in the limbs becomes ever more violent as knees give way. Hands tremble even as they clasp tighter to cover her face, maybe in hopes of hiding or maybe just in hopes of keeping ever slipping emotions contained.

- This isn't finished...but right now I don't see a way out...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A heart aches, words can not be said that haven't already been uttered. A quiet prayer goes up to Him in hopes He might help her carry this burden tonight.


I can not be there to tell her everything will be alright so would you whisper in her ear that You are there? My arms are not long enough to stretch the distance between us but Yours can hold her safe and close. Draw her into Your presence and keep her safe from what ever pain seeks to hurt her. When her strength fails her lend her Yours. Though I am unable to dry her tears You can catch every single one. My words may have left me but Yours will carry to her very soul. You know her heart better than anyone and You know how truly fragile she is but also what quiet strength she carries. Stand watch over her Lord as I cannot, send Your angels to keep watch tonight that she might have some peace. Jesus name...Amen"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

You are My Betrothed

I crumple to the ground, warm salty tears slip over my hand as I try to stifle the sob threatening to break through my lips. I gasp as the pain threatens to overwhelm me, it radiates from the very core of me and I am barely able whisper "You do care for me don't You?". I feel like a child again for all I want is to matter. I want to know I am cared about, that He truly does love me. Though straining to hear even the slightest echo of His voice all I seem to hear is deep silence. Trembling I silently plead for Him to answer my cry. Unbidden a piece of scripture comes to mind...a promise He made to me.
Hosea 2: 19-20 "I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes I will betroth you to Me, In righteousness and justice, In lovingkindess and mercy; I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall know the LORD"

I am reminded that He hasn't forsaken me, I am wanted and I do matter. He once before lead me to this verse to remind me in times when I feel He has forgotten me, He made a promise and it will be forever and I shall know Him. Satan may try to taunt me but God already chose me as His betrothed. God pointed me to that verse as a reminder of that promise He made that I might remember it every day.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Take My hand...such simple words for something so hard to do.

I stand here, feet firmly planted, I sense Him standing near me hand stretched outward toward my direction. If I should reach out and try to grasp it would my hand pass through as though it had no more substance than a cloud? Or would I feel a warm callused hand keeping mine secure. "Take My hand" was all He said yet here I am trembling in fear. How could He ask such a thing from me. Safety, safety is in distance yet here He is before me hand extended waiting for me to accept. Tears fall as a war wages silently inside of me.

"My Beloved", my eyes fly open at those words to meet His. "Put your hand in Mine and keep your eyes turned towards Me, I shall not fail you nor shall I forsake you. I once said "I will heal you of your faithlessness, my love will know no bounds". I alone have that power and I alone can truly say my love will know no bounds. I ask only that you take that first step and allow Me to do the rest, it won't always be easy nor will you always see the path but have heart in Me and place your faith in Me and I shall see you through."

Hosea 14:4 (New Living Translation)

4 The Lord says,
“Then I will heal you of your faithlessness;
my love will know no bounds,
for my anger will be gone forever.